
rules for approving the whitelist

  1. Eligibility of Tokens: Only INTD tokens held in personal wallets are eligible for migration. Tokens held in exchange wallets are strictly prohibited from being included in the whitelist form.

  2. Minimum Holding Requirement: Each wallet must hold a minimum of 100 INTD tokens to be eligible for inclusion in the whitelist.

  3. Maximum Holding Cap: There is a cap of 1 million INTD tokens per wallet for inclusion in the whitelist. This is to ensure a fair and equitable migration process for all participants.

  4. Whitelist Inclusion Requests: There is no limit to the number of requests for whitelist inclusion, allowing all eligible token holders the opportunity to participate in the migration process.

  5. Bridging Mechanism Compliance: Participants must ensure their tokens are compatible with the specially created bridges designed for the seamless transition of INTD tokens to the XCHAIN network.

  6. Migration Timeline Adherence: Applicants must be prepared to migrate their tokens in accordance with the planned timeline, coinciding with the network going live and the activation of the bridges.

  7. Post-Fork Trading and Transfer Restrictions: Applicants must acknowledge and accept that post-fork, the ability to transfer and trade INTD tokens on all smart contracts will be disabled, marking a permanent transition to the XCHAIN network.

  8. Security and Integrity Compliance: Participants must ensure that the migration process adheres to the security protocols and maintains the integrity of the INTD tokens across different blockchains.

  9. Community and Ecosystem Impact Awareness: Applicants should be aware of the impact of the migration on the INTDESTCOIN community and the broader blockchain ecosystem, including the potential for enhanced liquidity and community engagement.

  10. Commitment to XCHAIN Ecosystem: By submitting the whitelist form, participants express their commitment to the XCHAIN ecosystem and the strategic vision of the INTDESTCOIN project, acknowledging the significant implications of the migration for the future of INTD within the blockchain domain.